What is digibank KTA?
What are the requirements for submitting a KTA loan?
What are the required documentation to apply for digibank KTA?
How much is the credit limit from digibank KTA?
If you already have a digibank by DBS account, how do you apply digibank KTA?
If there is a name title in my electronic ID, should I put the name title when applying for digibank KTA?
Why do we have to download digibank by DBS to apply digibank KTA?
Why DBS Bank didn't call back after I fill the loan application form?
After submiting the application through the secured web, how long is the loan application process?
When do you have to pay your loan instalment?
How do you pay digibank KTA instalment?
How do you top up your digibank Savings balance?
Are there other ways to pay our digibank KTA loan?
What will happen if the balance in my account is insufficient for autodebit?
Can we do loan payments through a convenience store?
How do you see you payment status?
Will digibank KTA send billing reminder by e-mail?
What if the due date falls on weekends or national holidays?
What if the payment is past due date?
What if you haven't paid the bill?
How much is the late fee and when will you start paying?
Can you cancel or repay the loan early? If possible, how?
Where can you see the status of the submission at KTA?
Whats the difference between digibank KTA and Dana Bantuan Sahabat
Where can you get the following information:
When can I get the Loan Settlement Letter?
Where can you read the digibank KTA privacy policy?
Where can I read the digibank KTA terms and conditions?