
FX Online

Fast and direct FX transactions

FX Online

Fast and direct FX transactions

At a Glance

A single login

Use the same token, username and password to access FX Online and DBS IDEAL online banking platform

Advance booking

Book online FX transactions in over 40 currency pairs up to a year in advance

Access anytime

Log in anytime for Foreign Exchange transactions

Features & Benefits

Book FX rates up to a year in advance to complete transaction

Competitive pricing, transparency and efficient execution across over 40 currencies

Access insights from over 100 DBS research analysts in Asia to stay informed of the latest market developments

SME advisory sales teams help you identify and hedge against the potential risks of doing business overseas

How to Apply

Please contact us at:

  • 1500 327 (if you are in Indonesia)
  • +6221 2988 4000 (if overseas)