With reference to applicable laws and regulations, please be informed that the Procedure for the Service and Settlement of Customer Complaint at PT Bank DBS Indonesia (“Bank”) issued based on the principles of accessibility, independency, fairness, efficiency and effectiveness is as follows:
Procedure for the Submission of Complaint to the Bank
The submission of complaint to the Bank can only be done by customer or customer’s representative acting for and on behalf of customer. Customer may submit complaint to the Bank through several methods as follows:
Confidentiality of Customer Data
Bank shall maintain data confidentiality of customer, who submits complaint, from any party, except:
If Bank has made efforts to settle the complaint but customer cannot accept such settlement or the settlement process has exceeded the deadline as stated above, customer may proceed the complaint through Banking Mediation.
Submission of settlement efforts refers to the applicable regulations and/or laws
In terms of dispute settlement is not done through Lembaga Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa, Customer may submit the request to OJK to facilitate Customer complaint related to banking in general settlement with following requirements:
The submission of the dispute settlement by a customer is addressed to:
The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Service Authority
Attn. Consumer Education and Protection Sector
Menara Radius Prawiro – 2nd Floor
Bank Indonesia Office Complex
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 2
Jakarta 10350
with a copy to the Bank.
Complaints related to the implementation of the duties of the monetary, payment system and macroprudential authorities can be submitted to Bank Indonesia by clicking the following link https://www.bi.go.id/id/layanan/pengaduan-konsumen/default.aspx
Dispute Transaction
For dispute transaction, please email scanned copy of form Link Affidavit Form Kartu Kredit / Affidavit Form Kartu Debit , relevant documentation and copy of ID card to [email protected]
Contact Our Specialist
1 500 327 (only for Treasures Customers) or
+6221 298 52800 (overseas)
Operasional Hours:
07.00 AM - 20.00 PM
or Contact Us