Tabungan Maxi interest rate for DBS Treasures Private Client Customers.
Interest Rate
> 0
3% p.a
Interest rate is calculated with progressive method.
Interest rate may change anytime as per PT Bank DBS Indonesia (the “Bank”) stipulation and will be informed by the Bank.
Features & Benefits
Can be withdrawn anytime by Customers, no minimum balance requirement, and no administration fee.
Your saving is insured by Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (“LPS”) up to IDR2,000,000,000.- (two billion Rupiah) per Customer, or the applicable maximum guaranteed amount in the future, as determined by LPS.
If the Customer receives a saving interest rate above the maximum insured limit set by IDIC in the future or the Customer's total deposits exceed the specified guarantee limit, the saving will not be included in the IDIC’s deposit insurance program, in accordance with the applicable IDIC regulations.
All fees and charges are stated in the applicable terms and conditions.
PT Bank DBS Indonesia is licensed and supervised by The Indonesian Financial Services Authority and Bank Indonesia, and an insured member of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS)