Cover your hospital bills as charge with high annual limit.
For the first payment.
In domestic and overseas hospital networks.
The insured's entry age is 18 - 70 years.
In Rupiah currency.
Registration discount on first premium payment.
Annual premium payment.
Reimbursement of hospital fees according to the bill (annual limit applies).
Provides a registration discount of 10% on the first payment.
3x the daily room fee benefit for overseas*.
Cashless facility for hospital partner providers AdMedika at home and abroad.
Double the annual benefit when diagnosed as late critical illness (heart attack, cancer, kidney failure and organ transplant).
Choice of treatment outside the AdMedika network with the reimbursement method.
Outpatient benefits, including certified traditional Chinese medicine and licensed chiropractic care.
Dental care.
Give birth.
Find the Summary Product and Service Information here.
*Terms and Conditions Applied
All fees charged to customers will refer to the provisions of the policy including but not limited to commission fees for the Bank.
Credit and Liquidity Risk
Policyholders will be exposed to credit and liquidity risk of PT Asuransi Jiwa Manulife Indonesia (Manulife Indonesia) as the risk selector of insurance products. Credit and liquidity risk relates to the ability of the Insurer to pay its obligations to its customers.
Risk of Early Termination of Policy
Early termination of the policy may result in the Policy Value being less than the benefits paid (if any) or the premiums paid and coverage will end.
Operational Risk
A risk caused by the failure or failure of internal processes, people and systems, as well as by external events.
MiUltimate HealthCare is an insurance product issued by Manulife Indonesia. This product is not a deposit product at Bank DBS Indonesia and therefore does not contain any obligations and is not guaranteed by the bank and is not included in the government guarantee program of the Deposit Insurance Corporation ("LPS").
Bank DBS Indonesia only acts as the party referencing this product where the use of logos and/or other attributes in brochures or marketing documents is only a form of cooperation between Bank DBS Indonesia and Manulife Indonesia so it cannot be interpreted that this product is a product of Bank DBS Indonesia.
PT Bank DBS Indonesia and PT Asuransi Jiwa Manulife Indonesia are licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
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