Procedure of the Service and Settlement of Customer Complaints
With reference to applicable laws and regulations, please be informed that the Procedure for the Service and Settlement of Customer Complaint at PT Bank DBS Indonesia (“Bank”) issued based on the principles of accessibility, independency, fairness, efficiency and effectiveness is as follows:
Procedure for the Submission of Complaint to the Bank
The submission of complaint to the Bank can only be done by customer or customer’s representative acting for and on behalf of customer. Customer may submit complaint to the Bank through several methods as follows:
Verbal complaint shall be handled and settled within 5 (five) business days since complaint received date. If it takes more than 5 (five) business days to handle and settle the complaint, Bank shall inform customer to submit written complaint.
Confidentiality of Customer Data
Bank shall maintain data confidentiality of customer, who submits complaint, from any party, except:
If Bank has made efforts to settle the complaint but customer cannot accept such settlement or the settlement process has exceeded the deadline as stated above, customer may proceed the complaint through Banking Mediation.
Procedure of the Service and Settlement of Customer Complaints
With reference to applicable laws and regulations, please be informed that the Procedure for the Service and Settlement of Customer Complaint at PT Bank DBS Indonesia (“Bank”) issued based on the principles of accessibility, independency, fairness, efficiency and effectiveness is as follows:
Procedure for the Submission of Complaint to the Bank
The submission of complaint to the Bank can only be done by customer or customer’s representative acting for and on behalf of customer. Customer may submit complaint to the Bank through several methods as follows:
Verbal complaint shall be handled and settled within 5 (five) business days since complaint received date. If it takes more than 5 (five) business days to handle and settle the complaint, Bank shall inform customer to submit written complaint.
Confidentiality of Customer Data
Bank shall maintain data confidentiality of customer, who submits complaint, from any party, except:
If Bank has made efforts to settle the complaint but customer cannot accept such settlement or the settlement process has exceeded the deadline as stated above, customer may proceed the complaint through Banking Mediation.
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Business Hours:
07.00 AM - 20.00 PM
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